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EBBC at a glance: Explore now our free trial course along the entire battery value chain

Start Forums Forum for learners Regarding the course materials

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  • #3512
    Amin Al Yaquob

    I’m really excited to be part of this community.

    The learning materials provide great insights into battery materials, cell manufacturing, dismantling, and recycling. However, I believe it’s equally important to develop expertise in the planning, operation, and economics of battery storage.

    For instance, it would be valuable to explore:
    🔹 Planning – How to assess market demand, determine the required hours of storage, and decide whether batteries should be coupled with renewables or deployed independently.
    🔹 Operation – How to plan, model and simulate, batteries integration with the national grid, provide flexibility, and support energy shifting and frequency regulation.
    🔹 Business model – more into battery policy framework and regulations, and successful revenue models for energy storage projects.

    Expanding the learning materials to include these aspects would provide a holistic perspective on batteries, covering both technology and real-world implementation.

    Looking forward to engaging discussions and learning from everyone here!

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